Domestic and industrial building contractor in Varna, Dobrich and Balchik

From first fix to turnkey solutions. Building with excelence, your trusted contractor in Varna and the area

For more than 35 years Varaks building company provides complete building services in Varna, Dobrich, Balchik and Kavarna areas.

What's new

February 2025 10/02/2025
Building and repair works of a house near Varna
Building company Varaks continue the construction works with fitting the polyethylene membrane and then reinforcement net on the floors of this house near Varna. Building and repair works continue with the making of a new cement floor screeding. A concrete path has been made around the house. New joinery and window sills have been installed. The shuttering for the interior staircase is being fitted. The concrete for the staircase is prepared by hand. A new plumbing system has been installed in the house near Varna. The concrete slab on the roof of the summer kitchen is completed.
Bulding a house in Varna House construction
Beginning of the works 07/02/2025
Building a house in Varna
The building works on the rough construction of this house in Varna begin with the demolition of the old, existing building. The building rubbish is transported to a specialized landfill. The workers of Varaks construction company drew out the house, set the levels, set out the grade and begin the excavation work.
Beginning of the works 05/02/2025
Building and repair works of a house in Balchik
Building company "Varaks" began the building and repair works of this house in Balchik in February. The renovation begins with the dismantling of existing OSB boards. The house's fascia is sanded and varnished. This is followed by sanding and varnishing of the wooden fence panels, as well as preparation for applying floor screeding inside the house.


For more than 35 years our construction company Varaks provides complete building services in Varna, Dobrich, Balchik, Albena and Kavarna areas. Part of our building services and in-house solutions include:

- Demolition and excavation
- Concrete and shuttering
- Reinforcement works
- Brick masonry
- Roofing
- Tiling and flooring
- Plaster and primer
- Painting and decoration.

Project on focus

Project on focus

Construction of a house in Varna

Building a house in Varna.The building site is located in Varna, near the sea. The project  of this new house includes 210 sq.m. total internal area. The ground floor will comprise of open-plan kitchen with living room as well as shower room and storage room. The first floor will have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Outdoor area will offer big garden and parking lots.


Who we are

Who we are

Varaks building company was established in 1990. More than thirty five years, our company has always aimed at providing high quality building services to its clients.

We have completed a number of projects and take a leading position in the construction branch in Varna, Balchik, Dobrich and Kavarna areas.

Varaks takes real consideration of the wishes and concerns of our clients. We always fulfill their requirements, meet deadlines and deliver a first class finish to every project with thorough attention to detail.

Choosing our construction company you will always receive the best building services in a friendly and professional manner.



For more than 35 years our construction company Varaks provides complete building services in Varna, Dobrich, Balchik, Albena and Kavarna areas. Part of our building services and in-house solutions include:

- Demolition and excavation
- Concrete and shuttering
- Reinforcement works
- Brick masonry
- Roofing
- Tiling and flooring
- Plaster and primer
- Painting and decoration.

Clients Testimonials
  • Construction of a house in Varna, Topoli village

    Камен Б.

    Искам да благодаря на фирма Варакс Строй за качествената работа, която извършиха по строителството на новия ни дом. Изграждането на къщата започна из основи, като фирмата извърши всички дейности по грубия строеж, а след това и довършителните работи (топлоизолаця, минерална мазилка на фасадата, а вътре шпакловки, замазки, мазилки, подови настилки, облицовки, гипскартон, боядисване, полагане на фаянс и теракот в бани, ел. и ВиК инсталация). Много сме доволни и от свършената работа по оградата и паркоместата. Не съжаляваме, че избрахме Варакс пред други оферти, защото оправдаха очакванията ни за коректно отношение и лесна комуникация.

    See the project
  • Building a drainage channel on a villa in Albena

    Ilona B.

    Wir Engagierten Varaks zu Arbeiten an dem Betonweg und dem Kanal zur Entwasserung, wie auch zu Remontierungsarbeiten an der Fassade. Wir waren mit der Arbeit zufrieden und haben diese fur Renovierungsarbeiten an unserem Swimmingpool erneut aufgesucht. Wir empfehlen Varaks als einen verlasslichen Partner.

    See the project
  • Renovation and repair works of a house in Albena area

    Руслан В.

    Я хочу выразить личную благодарность компании Варакс-Строй с которой мы сотрудничали в рамках реконструкции моего дома. Компания Варакс-Строй выполнила строительные работы точно и своевременно и работали качественно. Поскольку я был очень доволен их услугами, я решил нанять их для второго моего проекта. Рекомендую Варакс-Строй как ответственную и надеждную компанию, осуществляющую профессиональные строительные работы.

    See the project
  • Construction of industrial warehouse for metal products and administrative building, Dobrich

    "Панда" ООД

    Работим от много години с фирма Варакс по съвместни проекти и не се колебахме за избор на изпълнител на новата ни производствена база в гр. Добрич. Благодарим на целия екип за добре свършената работа!

    See the project
  • Building and repair works of a house in Varna


    С признателност към фирма "Варакс" и по-специално към шефа й инж. Мартин Дичев, който доказа, че успешен бизнес може да се прави и от почтени хора!
    Бъдете все така трудолюбиви, отзивчиви и коректни в отношенията с клиентите.

    Благодарности от "канадците" !

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