Building a swimming pool in Balchik, Rogachevo village.
Building company "Varaks" has years of experience in building swimming pools. The owners of this property contacted our company for building a swimming pool. The building works of this rectangular private pool started in August 2014.
The pool size is 8 x 4 metres. It is suitable for kids, with children section which goes across the width of the pool.
The swimming pool of Villa Lavandin is finished. Patio works and ladder fitting also. Pool lighting - projector and transformers, will make the place cosy during the nights.
Pink contact primer is applied on the pool's walls and now it's time for the pool to be tiled. The plumbing system of the swimming pool and pump room has been installed. You can also see the mounted skimmers, nozzles and siphons. This pool has children section, which goes across its width. The section is being tiled and the border stone fitted. Patio works around the pool are also in progress.
In the beginning our team prepared the place for the works. Firstly, we began with the building of the house and then, along with it, we started with the pool. The base was excavated and poured with reinforced concrete. While we waited for the time the shuttering will be removed, we fited rebars on the patio area.