Renovations and Repairs

Building and repair of a house in Varna

Building and repair works of a house in Varna

Building and repair works of a house in Varna
The owners of this beautiful house in Varna contacted building company "Varaks" to do building and repair works of their house.
Yet another challange for us due to the restricted and very narrow street access to the property. We could not use lorries, concrete mixer pumps nor excavators.
The building works include:

- assemble and dissamble scaffolding
- demolish and remove tiles from all the balconies
- demolish and remove tiles from the garage flat roof
- demolish and remove old patio screeding
- demolish and remove tiles from the kitchen
- remove old ceilings and fit new plasterboard ceilings
- supply and fit new el. and water systems
- new screeding in the house and at the balconies and staircase
- supply and lay water proof insulation
- supply and fit plasterboard on walls
- paint  indoor walls and ceilings
- supply and fit decorative bricks on one of the walls
- supply and fit tiles on the balconies and garage flat roof
- supply and fit tiles in the house
- supply and fit patio stones
- supply and fit coping stones on the balconies
- plaster and paint the facade


  • Start Date:06.2024
  • End Date:01.2025
  • Location:Varna
  • Category: Renovations and Repairs