Renovations and Repairs

Building and repair works of a house in Kavarna

Building and repair works of a house in Kavarna

Building and repair works of a house in Kavarna.
Building company "Varaks" has been contacted to fulfil a project for building and repairing works of a house in Kavarna area.
The construction works include:
- excavation for foundations of a supporting wall and building a supporting wall of the rear wall of the   house;
- shuttering works;
- supply and fit reinforcement bars;
- concrete works;
- roof repair;
- a new septic tank;
- supply and fit plasterboard on walls and ceilings;
- new el. and water installations;
- new screeding;
- new shower rooms;
- plastering;
- painting

  • Start Date:04.2024
  • Location:Kavarna
  • Category: Renovations and Repairs